"A Modern Day Amazon Visits the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston" in Fiolet & Wing: An Anthology of Domestic Fabulist Poetry. Edited by Stacey Balkun and Catherine Moore. Nominated for the Pushcart Prize 2020.
Boricua en la Luna, 2019. Edited by Elena M. Aponte. Two poems in this anthology of Puerto Rican poets.
"Reunion:" poem in Feminine Rising: Voices of Power & Invisibility (Cynren Press, 2019) Edited by Andrea Fekete and Lara Lillibridge)
"The Meeting on the Turret Stairs" in Running with Water: a Literary Anthology, V Press LC, 2019.
The Ocean Between Us, poetry chapbook by Backbone Press, October, 2017.
Shining from a Different Firmament chapbook Finishing Line Press, March 2015.
--- Review of Shining chapbook by Editor of The Quarterday Review, August, 2015)
Pay Attention: Poems for Oral Interpretation, edited by John Pierce. "Her Last Cotillion" and "Richard Lionheart's Mummified Heart Examined" are included in this collection, on sale at Amazon.
Nuclear Impact: Broken Atoms in Our Hands by Shabda Press. (available via Amazon)
“The Menopausal Mermaid Takes Medical Advice.”
6th Annual Writer’s Digest Poetry Awards Collection. Writer’s Digest Books, 2011.
Journals, Magazines, Media and Web:
"Your Land, My Land" in Snollygoster: A Conversation About Politics, the Paragon Journal's special issue about politics.
"The Little Sunfish" and "Mistress Prynne Dreams of Her Youth" in The New Reader Magazine.
"The Astronomer's New Eyes" by Whale Road Review, Issue 7.
"Sara's Siren Song" "Sara's Second Chance" and "Sara's Love Song" published by Alsina Publishing on their Lingobites language learning app. Cover illustration by Selina Fenech.
"The Surest Poison" wins Thirty West Publishing House's sonnet challenge. Published on their fb and twitter feed. And in chaplet of winning entries, 2017.
"Blood Pacts" published and nominated for Pushcart Prize by Thirty West Publishing House, 2017.
"Wings" published in the freedom issue of The Ghazal Page.
"Origins" published on Red Bird Chapbooks Weekly Read site and facebook page. 3-14-17
"Seagrapes" published by The Australia Times Poetry Magazine with illustration by Shallamar Muget.
"Monody for a Leading Man" published in the Stonecoast Review. (USM's literary arts journal) Winter issue, 2016.
"Calle del Cristo, Old San Juan" was chosen for the ARTE LATINO NOW 2017 exhibit at the Max L. Jackson gallery, Watkins Building, Queens University of Charlotte. The poem will be read at the reception and displayed from Jan 17 - Feb 17 2017.
"Rilke Returns to Ronda" in The Ghazal Page, December, 2016.
"Mother Re-gifts" published by The Australia Times Poetry magazine, December 2016, vol. 4, iss. 24
"Bahia Honda Beach Conch" featured on The Australia Times Poetry Magazine facebook page, October 25, 2016 and published in their last December issue, vol 4, iss. 26, 2016.
"Inspiration" and "The Last Thing I'll Lose" in The Australia Times Poetry Magazine, October, 2016
"Genesis, 1880" "The Lost Colony" and "Maid Joan's Gethsemane" The Copperfield Review, August 2016.
"On Viewing 'Dante and Beatrice' by Henry Holliday, 1885", The Ghazal Page, February 2016. (reprinted from Society of Classical Poets' page)
"Maid Marian's Many Silences" a ghazal, The Quarterday Review, Imbolc, February 2016.
"In the flesh" Minerva Rising Literary Journal, Special Issue: Sparrows Trill - Race in America, print only, Dec., 2015.
"Emily Brontë Addresses Her Creation" Minerva Rising Literary Journal, Oct., 2015.
"Thirteen Days and Nights, a ghazal," The Quarterday Review, August 2015.
"Homeland" and "Crows", The Light Ekphrastic, August 15, 2015
"Hypatia's Revenge," The Ghazal Page, August 2015.
"The Ghazal Ghazal, (Or How to Write a Ghazal)," The Ghazal Page, August 2015.
"Ghazal Upon Hearing of a Mutual Friend's Death," The Ghazal Page, August 2015.
"Heartless," Words Dance Publishing, February, 2015.
"Late Night Shift," Words Dance Publishing, January, 2015. (Best of the Net Nomination Finalist)
"Nothing in the Dark", FLARE: The Flagler Review, Fall, 2014.
"Renascence" When Women Waken, Wildlife issue, 2015.
"Caernarfon Retreat" When Women Waken, Wildlife issue, 2015.
"Late Bloomers" Writers' Rising Up Digging at the Roots Calendar, May, 2015.
“Fourth Grade Dance.” Boston Literary Magazine, June, 2014.
“Lincoln’s Long Trip Home, 1865.” Falling Star Magazine. Summer, 2014. Print.
(Pushcart Prize Nomination, 2014)
“Letter From Lara, Yuriatin, 1920.” Spark, A Creative Anthology Volume V, Winter, 2014. Print.
“Poem For My Father” Label me Latina/o, a peer-reviewed online international journal Spring, 2014.
“Demo Session at the Newport Guitar Festival” Northern Liberties Review, January, 2014. (no longer online)
“Very Truly Yours, Irene Norton, née Adler” Spark, A Creative Anthology III, November, 2013. Print. Also aired on WRLN and audio file posted on their website.
“On Viewing Dante and Beatrice by Henry Holiday, 1884.” Society of Classical Poets, October 5, 2013.
“Three Poems.” When Women Waken: A Journal of Poetry, Prose and Photography. August, 2013.
“Letter from Marie C., Paris, 1906.” Yellow Fox Quarterly. Summer, 2013. Print.
“Crows.” Cyclamens and Swords. August, 2013.
“Point of No Return.” Spark, A Creative Anthology, Volume II. July, 2013. Print.
“Like No Other.” Chosen to be read on South Florida’s NPR news station, WRLN 91.3 FM, for
O’Miami’s Poetry Festival 2013 celebration. Airdate: April 22, 2013, Morning Edition.
“Parkinson’s at 60.” Latina Book Club blog (online) May, 2013.
“Changelings.” Spellbound (online) Spring, 2013. (By subscription only.)
“Jury Duty.” Verse Wisconsin (online) Fall, 2012.
“The Warrior Champion.” The Lorelei Signal (online) July 2010. (Not archived.)
“Alternate History.” Verse Wisconsin (online) Spring 2010. (Also mp3 version.)
“Respiratory Tech at the Vietnam Memorial, 1989.” Writer’s Digest, Aug. 2007: 24.
Grand prize Winner) Print.
Literary Arts Review book review of Shining from a Different Firmament.
A two-page spread and favorable review!
"FIU Librarian to read from her book at Miami Book Fair"
FIU News story about my Miami Book Fair International presentation.
Miami Book Fair: Further Discussions
Irene Sperber of MiamiArtZine interviewed me and two other writers about the books
we are presenting at the 2015 Miami Book Fair International.
The FEM online literary magazine feature article. "Featured Fem: Meet Beatriz Fernandez"
Enriching the Journey: Discovering My Muse in Later Life
Writers Wednesdays Feature on the Latina Book Club Blog includes one of my poems
"Parkinson's at 60" and my essay.
These are the Day Jobs of Miami Bards
Interview WLRN's Rachel Morello features reading of one of my award-winning poems.
An Ode to your Zip Code kicks off O'Miami's Poetry Festival.
My ode is discussed; I was interviewed for this article.
30 Days of Poetry Love with Beatriz F. Fernandez
Interview by Lidy Wilks for her blog, in celebration of National Poetry Month!
Iconic voices of women across time
Somos en Escrito: the Latino Literary Online Magazine features three of my poems.
Readers' Choice--The First Two Years of Spark: A Creative Anthology
Two of my poems chosen as readers' favorites from all prose or poetry pieces in each volume.
Volume V: 1. Letter from Lara, Yuriatin, 1920 by Beatriz Fernandez
Volume II: 3. The Point of No Return by Beatriz F. Fernandez
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