Monday, February 01, 2021

Poetry Publication: "Departures" in Anacua Literary Arts Journal

 Very happy and honored to have a new poem published in the new issue of the Anacua Literary Arts Journal!  


Many thanks to editors Odilia Galván Rodríguez, Prickly Pear Publishing


Edward Vidaurre, FlowerSong Press

"We go into neighborhoods and areas where high school students and community members have not normally had the opportunity or been empowered to tell or write their own stories or do other kinds of creative writing such as poetry, creative non-fiction, memoir, or fiction. By offering no or low cost creative writing workshops either on a one time basis or preferably in a week long project, we are able to work magic. "

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Palm Beach Poetry Festival 2021

 Last week I attended an online Palm Beach Poetry Festival 2021 workshop:

It was a wonderful experience!  

We were asked to provide a recording of one of our own poems.

Strange Horizons Podcast of My Poem "The Time Tourist" in a Bilingual Edition!

Many thanks to Strange Horizons magazine and Poetry editor A.J. Odasso who chose my poem to feature in both English and Spanish!  Thanks also to Poetry Editors Romie Stott and Ciro Faienza for their help!

Podcast: The Time Tourist | El Turista del Tiempo

Print version of The Time Tourist

Strange Horizons is "a speculative fiction magazine, available free online, with a record of finding and supporting exciting new voices in SFF."  They "support speculative fiction—science fiction, fantasy, horror, and all sorts of crossed genres between them—as an open, global tradition. In the last few years, we have published specials on Nigerian SFF, SFF from the Arab League community and diaspora, trans and nonbinary writing and experiences, as well as pieces on race, resistance, and disability."