Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Quarterday Review to publish my latest ghazal and review my chapbook!

I'm happy to have a new ghazal, "Thirteen Days and Nights" upcoming in the new journal The Quarterday Review: Poetry of Mythic Journeys. This is an ekphrastic ghazal inspired by the painting “The Amazon Queen Thalestris in the Camp of Alexander the Great” by Johann Georg Platzer, with thanks to Adrienne Mayor’s article on the subject in History Today 1/15. Her article and Platzer's painting really brought the encounter to life for me.

Quarterday's editor also kindly agreed to review my chapbook, Shining from a Different Firmament!

My latest poem in Minerva Rising's upcoming Open issue.

Minerva Rising Literary Journal will publish my poem "Emily Brontë Addresses Her Creation" in their upcoming Open themed issue. This is a persona poem from the pov of Emily addressing her most famous and infamous creation. I'm so happy this poem found a home promptly because it's my current favorite!

I have yet to see the perfect Heathcliff personified on-screen--I'm still waiting!

Librarything giveaway concurrent with Goodreads....

In celebration of my birth month, I'm giving away signed copies of my poetry chapbook, Shining from a Different Firmament via Librarything as well! So far 4 people have requested copies via LT and 68 and counting via Goodreads! These are early days, as the giveaways run for a month. For those of you not familiar with Librarything, it's a great way to catalog and organize your own books, discover new books and share your libraries and book reviews with your friends. There are groups for every type of reader imaginable. You can sign up for giveaways (a review is usually requested by the author or publisher giving away the book) or post your own! Ebooks as well!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Goodreads Giveaway begins May 18th!

I'm giving away five copies of my chapbook, Shining from a Different Firmament, via Goodreads.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Shining from a Different Firmament by Beatriz Fitzgerald Fernandez

Shining from a Different Firmament

by Beatriz Fitzgerald Fernandez

Giveaway ends June 18, 2015.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter to Win

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Authors for Nepal

I am participating in the Authors for Nepal  initiative to raise funds for the Nepal earthquake.  I found out about it on facebook.  Authors donate services or signed books or even a character name as incentive to donors.  The books or services are being auctioned off on ebay and the author will then deliver the item or service directly to the donor.  I am donating signed copies of my chapbook, here: Shining from a Different Firmament--hopefully there will be some poetry lovers out there; I noticed most books were YA.