Thursday, October 30, 2014

Shining from a Different Firmament: my first chapbook of poetry!

My first chapbook will be published just in time for Valentine's Day (and Women's History Month in March)!
It can be pre-ordered at the publisher's site:

The Table of Contents:

Hypatia’s Revenge
Sister Mary Melanie’s Last Cotillion
Nefertiti’s Secret
The Picture of Constance Wilde
Heloise Alone, Argenteuil, 1118
On Viewing ‘Dante and Beatrice’ by Henry Holiday, 1884
Very Truly Yours, Irene Norton, née Adler
Rachel’s Reasons
Monody for Pierre by Marie C., Paris, 1910
Cassandra Austen Writes to Jane’s Faithless Lover
The Amazon Warrior Champion
Letter from Lara, Yuriatin, 1920
Richard the Lionheart’s Mummified Heart Examined
Red Light

I designed the cover and Jim took the picture of the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy and my author pics!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Why Write?

I've been thinking about why I suddenly decided to begin publishing my poetry and trying to improve my writing in order to make it publishable.  I certainly don't intend to supplement my income or launch a career at my age, but I notice the poems I'm writing are like a file card index of my memories. My new poems reflect seemingly random flotsam and jetsam that got caught in my imagination and never left me.  But why we notice one thing and not another--how we filter the stream of our life's events through our psyche--these things make up a person.  My touchstone moments are being manifested and recorded via my poems.

We are happy to inform you.....

I really love emails that begin with those words!

I am happy to inform you, dear Imaginary Readers, that FLARE: the Flagler Review just accepted my poem "Nothing in the Dark" inspired by a classic Twilight Zone episode and more distantly by William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying.